
The Work of the Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Holy Spirit remains an afterthought to the bulk of our theological inquiry and receives, in Kuyper’s own words, “a scant portion of our piety.” All professing Christians acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit in one way or another, and great works have been written on the Spirit’s role in justification and sanctification, regeneration, the anointing of the Spirit, the intercession of the...

Certainly this has value, influence, voice in the matter. But what guarantees correctness and fidelity in interpreting such experience? And again, how can we distinguish its various sources—from ourselves, from without, or from the Holy Spirit? The twofold question will ever hold: Is our experience shared by others, and may it not be vitiated by what is in us sinful and spiritually abnormal? Altho there is no subject in whose treatment the soul inclines more to draw upon its own experience, there
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